Empowering Financial Decisions

It’s never so bad you can’t get out of it.

I challenge poverty and addiction and replace it with the dignity of self-worth.


I’m Michael. I’ve been there.

Everyone around me told me I was intelligent and high-functioning, and I believed them. But I could never quite reach the bar that had been set. So, I turned to another bar. From the moment I set foot on the college campus, alcohol was the answer. As my drinking progressed, I became less and less capable. It’s a miracle I graduated. I bounced around jobs. By age 25, I couldn’t show up for work or take care of myself. Addiction was so normal in my family, I never thought drinking was the problem. 

I entered recovery and spent extensive time in treatment centers. The facility that addressed the shame, self-loathing, self-destruction and worthlessness I felt literally saved my life. When I stopped wanting to change how I felt and lived in reality, I could make the changes I needed. When I made new choices, the positive reinforcement motivated more positive choices. 

I know the power of reclaiming the dignity that addiction destroys. What I didn’t know was basic life skills. Alcoholism had stripped away my self-confidence, and especially in in early recovery, just holding down a job and paying bills could be challenging. I studied finance in college, which proved surprisingly useless. When I researched “personal finance” nothing led me to what I needed. It was all investing and budgeting, when what I needed was real-world financial know-how. Which is how I came to Bedrock Financial Health. I am here to bring dignity and value back to people coming from hard places of hopelessness and despair.

Stability You Can Trust

Reduce stress. Establish support. Build confidence. Celebrate success. 

Our culture places a lot of shame on not having money. We don’t buy that. Especially given how incredibly common financial challenges are. So, first we dispel the shame. Now we can meet you where you are to discuss your individual needs. Then we work to understand what is in the way of your financial independence. Finally, we share ways for you to build your worth to move forward and prosper.

Safe Haven

Life can be overwhelming. No one knows when life’s going to knock them down. What we do know is how to be a safe place for you to land, to be seen and heard, to be understood, to make mistakes, and learn how to move forward in ways that really work for you and your financial needs.

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No Judgement

We’ve weathered all kinds of financial storms. We know how common, and challenging, financial struggles are. It’s why no-judgement is at the core of what we do. No matter what circumstances brought you to where you are, we respect your journey. We’re here to help you find your even keel and establish a navigation system to guide you to solid ground. 



Crisis can feel crippling. Here, you’ll find empathy, personal attention and support you can trust to get back on your feet. We help you to identify your values, establish checks and balances to support them, understand consequences, receive compassionate guidance, feel your inherent worth and learn to make choices that positively reinforce it. The power is yours; we just show you how to wield it.


Getting Started

Sometimes life breaks us. Come, have a seat. 

We’ll show you how to make the necessary repairs—with patience, compassion and a proven track record of success. To date, everyone who completes the first month of our process stays with it and learns to make empowered decisions and stand on their own two financial feet. 

What People Are Saying

“I receive accountability with compassion and I truly feel heard during the weekly check-ins. Bedrock meets you where you are at and with your goals in mind. It truly is a partnership.”


“Since working with Bedrock I have a far less stressful relationship with my family and now am looking towards a future without financial worries! Thank you so very much.”

— Jamie